How Can You Tell That Death Is Closer than Ever for Your Senior?

How Can You Tell That Death Is Closer than Ever for Your Senior?

Being a caregiver for a senior who is near the end of her life is not an easy task to undertake. It’s even more difficult as you start to notice that your senior might be closer to the end than you realized. But knowing what to expect can help you to prepare.

Pain Is More Difficult to Control

Pain is always a problem, but as your senior nears the end of her life, it might be more and more difficult to keep under control. Your senior’s doctor may offer additional advice or medications to help your senior to deal with this increase in pain, but it may still be a challenge. Hospice care can be a valuable liaison in sharing with your senior’s medical team how the pain is progressing.

Fatigue and Weakness Become Bigger Issues

Your senior is much more likely to feel extreme fatigue, too. She may be sleeping more than usual, especially during the day. This can lead to her being awake often at night as well, which can be upsetting for her if there’s no one else awake. She may find that her energy levels are far lower than she expects, leaving her feeling weak and unable to do much.

Her Appetite Slows Down Significantly

As her body begins to shut down, your senior’s appetite is likely to slow down more and more. She may find that food in general is unappealing or that her favorite foods now no longer taste the same. She might start preferring liquids over even soft foods, because they can be so much easier to ingest and to tolerate.

She May Be Less Lucid and More Withdrawn

Your senior may seem to be confused more often, or at least less lucid than she normally has been. This can be particularly true around where she is, what time of day or even year it is, and who is with her. Try to stay calm, even if your senior seems agitated. She might not be interested in interacting with others at this point, either, which can feel hurtful but is not personal in the slightest. Let her know you’re there.

Hospice care providers can help you to recognize these signs and to prepare for them. The emotional weight of knowing what’s coming for your senior can be incredibly difficult to bear. Let someone else help you to deal with both the practical and the emotional aspects of what you’re facing.

If you or a loved-one are considering hospice care in Tucker, GA, please call the caring staff at Arcturus Hospice and Palliative Care today. Call 678-383-9973 today to speak to our care team.