What You May Not Know about Hospice Care

Hospice Care in Norcross GA

No one wants your elderly family member to enter hospice care before it’s truly time for her to do so, but if she’s been waiting because it didn’t seem like the right option yet, this information can help. Hospice care enables your family member to get the type of care that she needs during this stage of her life.

Your Senior May Live a Little Longer

Very often family members and seniors start hospice care and are shocked to find that their senior improves or extends her lifespan farther than expected. This isn’t necessarily because hospice care offers miracle cures or anything like that. It’s very often because your senior is able to focus on her quality of life. She may also be discontinuing curative approaches that are taking a toll on her well-being, like aggressive chemotherapy treatments.

She Doesn’t Have to Go Anywhere

Throughout your senior’s health journey she may have been used to seeking out treatments in hospital settings or in doctor’s offices. Hospice care comes to her, though, which means that she’s able to relax in peace and get the care she needs as she needs it. Not having to get out of bed and travel, even just to a nearby clinic, saves her far more energy than either of you might realize.

She Still Has Choices

Another misconception that your senior might find troubling is that there’s only one prescribed path of treatment when it comes to hospice. But hospice care is a truly personalized treatment plan that allows your elderly family member to choose from a variety of different options that meet her needs in the ways that she finds most comfortable.

The Whole Family Benefits and Finds Hope

Hospice care is holistic care, which means that the entire person is considered when treatment options are considered. The same is true for the entire family. You’re all impacted by what’s happening to your senior, and hospice care takes that into account. There are ways to deal with the very real grief you’re all experiencing now, before your senior has even passed away, and hospice care helps you to find those options.

Every experience with hospice care is different, of course, but there are so many different ways that hospice care providers can make this time easier for your senior and for the rest of your family. Having them help you all along the path is a much easier option than going it alone.

If you are or a loved one is considering hospice care in Norcross, GA, please call the caring staff at Arcturus Hospice and Palliative Care today. Call 678-383-9973 today to speak to our care team.