Four Tips for Helping Your Senior When You’re Not Sure What Her Wishes Are

End-of-Life Care in Smyrna GA

At some point you’re going to need to make decisions for your senior that you didn’t get to discuss with her. She may be incapacitated to some extent or unable to assist you for other reasons. The upshot is that you’re on your own, but not completely.

Get a Read on the Current Situation

Any time you’re making big decisions it’s vital to have the most up-to-date information that you can possibly have. Your senior’s doctors are usually the best source for that type of information, because they can help you to understand what’s going on now and what’s likely to happen in the near future. That information can give you a more solid foundation on which to make your decisions.

Recall What You Can from Prior Conversations

People talk over time about important issues, of course, but you might not always remember exactly what your senior has had to say about specific situations. That makes finding the right answer in some of the situations you’re facing feel a lot more impossible. If you’ve kept a journal, you might want to look through old versions and see if anything leaps out at you that can help you now. Otherwise, you might need to rely on your memory.

Check Your Gut

One of the most powerful tools you can have at your disposal is your own intuition. Even if your elderly family member isn’t able to pitch in and let you know what she wants, what feels right to you? If you’ve been her caregiver for a long time you might have more insight than you give yourself credit for having. It’s essential to go ahead and lean on those gut instincts. When you do make a decision, check in with yourself and feel out whether it feels right.

Prioritize Comfort

One of the best tools you can use is to focus on your senior’s comfort. If she’s comfortable and content, that can be the most important indication you have that she’s getting what she needs. Comfort can mean different things in the face of different challenges, so it helps if you have some assistance in your corner. End-of-life care providers can help you to assess your senior’s comfort and determine what else might help.

Remember to take care of yourself while you try to figure all of this out. As difficult as all of this is, it’s far more challenging for you when you’re not taking the best care of yourself that you can.

If you or a loved-one are considering end-of-life care in Smyrna, GA, please call the caring staff at Arcturus Hospice and Palliative Care today. Call 678-383-9973 today to speak to our care team.