Four Ways to Foster Calm for a Senior with Dementia

Having an environment that is calm, on a variety of levels, for a senior with dementia can be far more helpful than you might realize. Being in a space that is calm, supportive, and safe can help your senior to feel calm and safe as well.

Lighting Can Create Reflections and Glare or it Can Be Too Dim

Lights are one of the most important issues for your senior, whether she’s dealing with dementia or not. If the lights are too dim, that can create shadows that distort the things around her too much for your senior. Her brain may not be able to make sense of what she’s seeing and she might be more likely to fall or to experience other problems. Likewise, though, lighting that is too bright or that is hitting mirrors, windows, or glass-fronted frames at the wrong angle can create glare and reflections that have a similar impact. All of this can be distracting and upsetting for your senior.

Excess Noise Can Be a Big Trigger

Hospice Elder Care in Smyrna GAWhat your senior sees can be triggering for her, but noises can be triggering, too. That’s especially the case if the noises in question are loud or disturbing for her on other levels. What causes pain for your senior in terms of noise might be different now than it was in the past. She may be far more likely to be sensitive to noises, so it can take trial and error to find her new limits and to help her to adjust.

What She Sees Can Be Distracting

If there’s a lot going on visually in your senior’s home, like with wallpaper that has a small repeating pattern, that can be distracting and sometimes upsetting for her. This is often called visual noise and it applies to patterns, colors, and even to clutter in the home. Anything that can visually distract your senior can cause her to experience some frustration or anxiety and she may not enjoy it anymore. Simplifying her home can help.

Staying Organized Helps on Many Levels

Organizing your senior’s home can help her and you on multiple levels. If she’s having issues with visual clutter, then the more organized the house is, the less likely there is to be as much clutter. Try labeling cabinets and closets to help her to find things when she needs them. Organization is also going to lower your frustration levels, which can help your senior to feel calmer. When you’re frustrated, she picks up on that emotion, even if she’s not frustrated herself.

It’s difficult to create just the right amount of calm for a family member with dementia. You might feel as if you’re not getting it right, especially when you’re overwhelmed by having so much to do. Having help from elderly care providers can give you a chance to delegate some things to someone else while you handle what you can.

If you are or a loved one is considering hospice elderly care in Smyrna, GA, please call the caring staff at Arcturus Hospice and Palliative Care today. Call 678-383-9973 today to speak to our care team.