What Does Your Senior Need Most at the End of Her Life?

The end of your family member’s life is a difficult time for everyone involved. You may feel as if you don’t really understand what she needs during this time, which can leave you feeling as if you’re missing something. Hospice elder care can help you to fill in those gaps.

Practical Help with Her Care

Possibly the most important part of having help at the end of her life is that your senior is getting practical assistance with her care needs. That might mean that she’s got help bathing, eating, and changing position if she’s bedridden. If your elderly family member needs assistance with medical procedures as well, that is another function that hospice elder care can provide.

To Be Comfortable

It’s difficult enough to be dealing with the later stages of life. Your senior is facing a great many losses and indignities, so having the knowledge that her comfort and her dignity are being preserved as well as possible is incredibly soothing. There may be a great many options that open up for comfort when your senior has reached this stage of care that were not available to her before.

To Know that You’re Getting What You Need

Even if your elderly family member is experiencing cognitive declines and other problems, she does still care about what’s happening with you. It can be a tremendous comfort to her to know that you’re getting the assistance that you need, especially in the form of respite care. Being able to manage your own self-care is a vital part of you being able to continue to be her caregiver.

To Know that Everyone Is Managing Their Grief

But it’s not just about you. Other family members are experiencing grief, too, even before your elderly family member passes away. Hospice elder care providers can help your entire family to find the bereavement assistance that they need to deal with how they’re feeling. That’s an important part of helping your elderly family member to feel that everyone is ultimately going to be okay.

Providing your senior with what she needs most at the end of her life is a lot easier when you have the help that you need. Hospice elder care services have the experience that you may be missing when it comes to navigating this stage of life. They can point you toward the resources that you need and offer the practical, hands-on help that you and your family need right now.

If you are or a loved one is considering hospice elder care in Roswell, GA, please call the caring staff at Arcturus Hospice and Palliative Care today. Call 678-383-9973 today to speak to our care team.